The Pastoral Care Program

Enabling Pastoral Outreach and Prayer for Those Who Need a Safe Harbor

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS) is here to help bereaved Catholic families suffering the loss of a loved one. Too often, that suffering is combined with physical and social isolation, and the Church has a chance to fill the void of loss with faith and compassion.


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS) handles over 20,000 Catholic committals each year. We know the importance of human interaction as part of the grieving process and the Church faces a tremendous opportunity for ministry, especially through difficult times and crisis. This is why we are answering Pope Francis’ call to a renewed pastoral creativity.

CFCS is offering qualified Pastoral Care Ministers access to our lists of recently bereaved families and help connecting with them on a person-to-person basis. Together, we can reconnect with the faithful, renew our shared faith, and rebuild our relationships as caregivers and ministers.


How it Works:

  1. New volunteers are provided with an Onboarding Kit and Program overview
  2. Volunteers will be provided access to CFCS’ Register of Families who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one
  3. Pastoral Care Ministers begin outreach to bereaved families through phone and email for solace and connection

“The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God.”


The Onboarding Kit Includes:

  1. Welcome message and program overview
  2. Introduction to CFCS and our ministry
  3. Training and access to CFCS’ CRM database of recently-bereaved families
  4. Phone call guidelines and email templates to help provide families with support and comfort
  5. Connection with other fellow Pastoral Care Ministers to share stories and lessons learned

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS) is founded in faith and dedicated to providing education, outreach, and professional funeral, cremation and cemetery services while following the teachings of the Catholic Church. Now more than ever, we’re here to help our shepherds lead the Corporal Work of Mercy of burying the dead. CFCS helps keep your cemeteries financially sustainable so you can focus your attention and resources within your dioceses where it’s needed most.

How May We Help You Today?

Immediate Need Advanced Planning